which words have long vowel sounds!
In Arabic, identifying words with long vowel sounds can be quite straightforward once you understand the basic rules. Long vowels in Arabic are represented by specific characters that indicate the length of the vowel sound, unlike short vowels which are often represented by smaller, diacritic marks. For instance, the letter "ي" (yaa') represents a long "ee" sound, and "و" (waw) represents a long "oo" sound. These long vowels play a crucial role in distinguishing between different words and their meanings.
For example, the word "ميت" (mayyit) means "dead," while "ميتة" (mayyitah) means "a dead woman." The difference in meaning is solely due to the presence of a long vowel in the second word. Similarly, in English, words with long vowel sounds can also change meaning when the vowel length varies. The word "sheep" (long "ee" sound) refers to a type of animal, whereas "sheap" is not a recognized English word and would be considered incorrect or nonsensical due to the absence of the long vowel sound.
بعد ان تري الإجابة المباشرة علي سؤال which words have long vowel sounds اكتب لنا اسئلتك وسوف نساعدك في حلها في منتديات طلاب السعودية.
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الإجابة. هي sheep sheap.