ahmed al ali i have a lot of very close friends.!
Ahmed Al Ali is a person who has many close friends. This means that he has a strong bond with a lot of people and they care about each other a lot. Having close friends is important because it helps us feel happy and supported.
The answer "هي الاجابة هي صح" translates to "The answer is correct" in English. This indicates that the statement about Ahmed Al Ali having a lot of very close friends is accurate and true. It's great that Ahmed has such a supportive network of friends around him.
بعد ان تري الإجابة المباشرة علي سؤال ahmed al ali i have a lot of very close friends. اكتب لنا اسئلتك وسوف نساعدك في حلها في منتديات طلاب السعودية.
نوفر لكم الإجابة بدعم منتدي الطلاب السعوديين
الاجابة هي صح